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  1. Commenti e suggerimenti
  3. Large Hadron Collider reaches its first stable beams in 2024

  4. Cern aims to build €20bn collider to unlock secrets of universe

  5. Al Cern si progetta l'acceleratore di particelle più grande del mondo

  6. CERN’s impact goes way beyond tiny particles - Nature

  7. Le persone hanno chiesto anche
    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is an underground ring 17 miles (27 kilometers) around that straddles the border between Switzerland and France. It is a particle accelerator where powerful magnets guide hundreds of trillions of protons as they do laps at nearly the speed of light underneath the countryside.
    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is expected to receive the first particle beams on 11 March. On 16 February 2024, the symbolic key to resume CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) operations was handed over from the Accelerator Coordination and Engineering (ACE) group to the Operations (OP) group, marking the beginning of the 2024 ‘particle season’.
    Since the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, the Large Hadron Collider has not discovered any new particles. Here's what researchers are trying to do about it. A view inside ATLAS, one of two general-purpose detectors at the Large Hadron Collider. MAXIMILIEN BRICE/CERN
    The Large Hadron Collider, built inside a 27km circular tunnel beneath the Swiss-French countryside, functions by smashing together protons and other subatomic particles at close to the speed of light. This recreates the conditions that existed fractions of a second after the big bang.
  8. Inside the hunt for new physics at the world’s largest particle collider

  9. LIVE: from the CERN Control Centre with the four largest LHC ...

  10. Cern, il risveglio di LHC - RaiNews

  11. Perché il CERN vuole costruire un nuovo, enorme acceleratore di ...

  12. CERN’s supercollider plan: $17-billion ‘Higgs factory ... - Nature